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Q&A/Masterclass at Berklee

Yesterday I had the privilege of assisting Missy Raines in two Q&A/masterclass sessions at the Berklee College of Music. Sort of odd to be on the "other side" like that.  It was only spring 2016 when I graduated from the University of North Texas, where I attended masterclasses like that just about every week as a student. The experience was eye-opening, and made me realize how misleading the term "masterclass" can actually be, ha! The tables could've just as easily been turned, as I'm sure there was much to learn by the people who attended the session. The whole thing put into perspective how I think as artists we exist on this kind of common continuum of growth, where each of our unique upbringings, values, and visions allow us to inform one another. Doesn't really seem to have much to do with "mastery" at all. Towards the end of the second class, the Mike Marshall came in and played a few tunes with us before he gave a class of his own. I also got to sign the chest drawers in Steve Bailey's office with other bass and bass-related clinicians who have come to visit Berklee previously.  What an honor it is to be on the road with Missy and to see the world as a traveling musician! More soon ❤️